Public Health in Hampshire

Improving health and wellbeing

There are benefits for everyone if we stay fit and healthy. Healthy people generally have a better quality of life, more independence, are able to make their own choices, and take an active part in their community.

Hampshire County Council’s strategy outlines how we want to deliver improved health and wellbeing outcomes for everyone in Hampshire, driven by individual choice and with less dependency on health and social care provision. 

Contact us

To contact Public Health email [email protected].

The Local Authority Public Health Team do not provide health protection advice or deal with infectious disease outbreaks.

If you want to report or seek support on:

  • infectious diseases
  • chemical and radiation hazards
  • major emergencies

contact the UK Health Security Agency, Health Protection Team by:

For areas outside Hampshire, contact your local health protection team.

If you want to report an environmental health issue:

  • suspected food poisoning or a hygiene issue with a food outlet
  • if you have an issue regarding your rented housing
  • problems with neighbours: nuisance noise (noise, smoke, light), overhanging trees and shrubs, rubbish
  • air quality (pollution)
contact your local district or borough council.