Support for alcohol or drug problems
We provide treatment, recovery and support services for people with an alcohol or drug problem
- Drug and Alcohol treatment services
If you need help with an alcohol or drug problem you can contact the Hampshire treatment services for adults or young people. These are easy to find in local centres across the county.
- Inclusion Recovery Hampshire is a drug and alcohol treatment service for adults over 25 years old
- Hampshire 24/7 is a drug and alcohol treatment service for young people aged under 25 years old
Confidential support and advice for parents, families and friends of those who use drugs and alcohol is available from ParentSupportLink.
- Your GP
You may want to talk to your GP about your drinking or drug taking. Your GP will listen to you and assess the nature of your problems. They will help you choose suitable treatment and support options which are available. They might offer to treat you or refer you to your local specialist alcohol and drug service.
In Hampshire you can refer yourself to the alcohol and drug treatment services. So if you're not comfortable talking to your GP, you can contact Inclusion Recovery Hampshire or Hampshire 24/7 directly.
- Helping yourself
If you regularly drink above the lower risk guidelines, cutting back on alcohol can help improve your general well-being.
Better Health – is a service for adults and includes a unit calculator This will help you to work out how much you are drinking and what to do to cut back.
If you are worried about drug taking visit Talk to Frank - this is for any age, this provides information and advice on drugs, drug taking, and how to access help. Also you can ‘live chat’ with an adviser to discuss what options for help are available.
- More help and advice
- Drinking and Alcohol – NHS information and advice on alcohol
- Drugs and drug abuse – NHS information and advice on drugs
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – help with alcohol and drinking
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – help with drugs and drug taking
Drinkline - if you're worried about your own or someone else's drinking, telephone 0300 123 1110 for a free, confidential conversation (weekdays 9am – 8pm, weekends 11am – 4pm)
For those affected by someone else’s alcohol or drug use
- Adfam - advice and support for those concerned about a family member’s drink or drug taking
- Al-Anon – advice and support for those affected by someone else’s drinking