Children and Young People

ChatHealth for Parents of children aged 0-5 and 5-19 years is a free text messaging service with the Public Health Nurses in Hampshire. If you have a child aged 0-5 years, text 07520 615720. If you have a child aged 5-19 years, text 07507 332417.

ChatHealth for Young People aged 11-19 years is a free text messaging service with a school nurse in Hampshire. Text 07507 332160.

Hampshire Healthy Families offers support and advice from the Public Health Nursing Service.

Healthier Together provides NHS advice for parents of children and young people.

Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) helps with emotional wellbeing and mental health for young people up to age 18.

Hampshire Self Harm Support Hub run by Solent Mind offers advice and peer support for parents and carers of those who self harm.

Hampshire Youth Access provides counselling, advice and support for children and young people.

Simon Says offers child bereavement support.

Catch 22 Hampshire 24/7 offers substance misuse support.

Hampshire SENDIASS provides Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support.

Hampshire Parent Carer Network offers help for parent carers of children and young people with an additional need or disability.

Five Ways to Wellbeing offers tips to help everyone stay mentally well.

Havant & East Hants Mind Children and Young People’s Safe Haven is an out of hours crisis support service for any young person in the Havant Borough aged 11-17 years old. Book an appointment by calling 0300 303 1580 or email [email protected] between 5pm – 8pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Last appointments are at 7.30pm.

Young Person’s #Coping Guide. This lists local services for young people living in North East Hampshire (Aldershot, Fleet, Farnborough and Yateley) including the local No Limits Safe Haven offering young people aged 10-17 access to out of hours emotional and practical support.

Young Minds provides advice for parents, children and young people.

Student Minds provides advice for students aged 18+.

Every Mind Matters offers NHS advice for parents and young people.

Mind Ed for Families supports parents and carers who are concerned about a young person’s mental health or wellbeing.

Mind offers mental health support for children and young people.

Charlie Waller Trust provides mental health information and resources for young people and parents.

Childline Calm Zone provides tools and activities to help with feeling anxious, scared or sad.

Health for Teens offers exam stress and results day anxiety tips and advice.

BEAT offers eating disorder advice. Call their Youthline 0808 801 0711, 4-10pm daily.

Hampshire Cahms advice and links to support for Sexuality and Gender Identity

YGAM is a Parents’ Hub for gambling and gaming advice.

Papyrus offers suicide prevention advice, including a confidential helpline for young people at risk of suicide or for people worried about a young person at risk of suicide on 0800 068 41 41.

OCD UK helps those affected by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You can call 03332 127890.

National Autistic Society provides guidance on a range of mental health difficulties.

Feeling Down: Looking After My Mental Health is an easy-read guide for people with learning disabilities.

Winston’s Wish provides child bereavement support.

Bullying provides information for parents, carers, children and young people about how to deal with bullying.

The Sleep Charity has useful information on child and teen sleep.

Little Blue Book of Sunshine aims to help children and young people by sharing tips on how to deal with problems such as anxiety, body image, relationships and anger. It also includes where to get help when needed.

Kooth is a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service for young people aged 11-25 years (up to 26th birthday) in Hampshire. It offers a safe way to access support for emotional health and wellbeing needs from a team of professional qualified counsellors. Counsellors are available from 12noon - 10pm on weekdays and 6pm - 10 pm at weekends, every day of the year. No referral needed.

The Mix provides advice for under 25s and a crisis text service. Text THEMIX to 85258.

Childline offers support for anyone up to age 18. Call 0800 1111, chat online or email the crisis service.

Shout text HANTS to 85258 for free, confidential, 24/7 text message support.

Samaritans offer a free helpline on 116 123, open 24 hours 365 days a year.

Young Minds Parents Helpline is for any adult concerned about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of a child or young person up to the age of 25. Call 0808 802 5544.

Calm Harm app can help people manage the urge to self-harm.