The Coach House at Staunton Country Park

Gift Shop

The Coach House reception shop offers a range of items including:

  • small homewares and furnishings
  • homemade gifts
  • children’s toys
  • small souvenirs
  • bespoke loose tea and teapots
  • duck feed
  • dog treats and toys

The Coach House reception shop

Interpretation area

We’ve repurposed the old horse loose boxes to take you on a journey through the history of Staunton Country Park.

Explore our interactive game and puzzle stations for children and adults to discover the timeline of Staunton Country Park. Chart the park’s history from William Garret’s Farm to William Stone’s Leigh Park Gardens mansion, uncover Sir George Staunton’s connection with the Chinese Empire and learn more about the last family in residence, the Fitzwygrams.

There are maps of local walks and trails to follow, and plenty of information about the Restoration project.

Staunton Country Park interpretation area