Activities for Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1
Take a journey around Hillier Gardens and learn through observation, games, and hands-on activities.
Bushcraft and Forest School
Take a walk on the wild side on our specialist site for bushcraft and Forest School. Led by our qualified staff, these sessions are fun, thoroughly risk assessed, and educational.
Natural Art
The Gardens are a fantastic resource for art activities. Explore the colours, shapes, patterns, and textures of nature. Enjoy the opportunity to use natural materials to create art work.
Year 1 Science
Become Plant Explorers, find out about those Animal Antics , and observe the seasons as it’s All Change here in the Gardens.
Year 2 Science
Learn about Seeds of Life amongst our plants and become Habitat Hunters as you explore the different animals that make the Gardens their home.
All Change!
Observe how the changing seasons impact on the plants and animals at Hillier Gardens. There is definitely something to see all year round!
Animal Antics
Find out how animals large and small have made their home at Hillier Gardens. Find out where they live, what they eat and what eats them!
Bushcraft and Forest School
Take a walk on the wild side on our specialist site for bushcraft and Forest School. Led by our qualified staff, these sessions are fun, thoroughly risk assessed, and educational
Habitat Hunters
Pond dipping, meadow sweeping, log rolling and flower gazing: let’s explore the diverse habitats on offer in our Gardens!
Lovely rotters
Learning about decay, how to look after waste and the environment.
Natural Art
The Gardens are a fantastic resource for art activities. Explore the colours, shapes, patterns, and textures of nature. Enjoy the opportunity to use natural materials to create art work.
We Are Plant Explorers!
Encounter the wide variety of plants and trees growing at Hillier Gardens. Learn their names and become a mini plant expert for the day
Seeds of Life
Ever wondered about the amazing mystery of how a seed so small can grow into a plant so tall? Journey around the Gardens and find out all about what our plants and trees need to grow and how it happens.