Section 278 agreement
Works to existing highways
Section 278: Guidance for Developers (Updated June 2021) provides developers and their consultants with all the information required to enable them to submit a complete Section 278 submission for design checking. Submission of complete packages enables the design check team to process design checks quickly. This document also details all the steps required to enable a start of works on site and the procedures for final maintenance and adoption of the completed works.
Developer Portal
All S278 Submissions are to be made through Hampshire County Council’s Developer Portal.
The Developer Portal User Guide details how to use the Developer Portal to make S278 & S38 applications to Hampshire County Council.
Submission checklists
The submission checklists detail what a Developer/Consultant must submit to enable Hampshire County Council to undertake a S278 Design Check on the Developer's proposals. The Portal will guide the applicant through the submission, detailing what information is required. The checklists below provide further guidance regarding the exact information and documents required.
S278 Minor Works Submission Checklist
S278 Preliminary Design Submission Checklist
S278 Detailed Design Submission Checklist
S278 Combined Design Submission Checklist
Other templates
Please find below other templates associated with a S278 application.
Drainage Design Certification Template
TG19 WCHAR Review Report Template (Updated March 2021)
TG19 WCHAR Assessment Report Template (Updated March 2021)
TG19 WCHAR Exemption Report Template (Updated March 2021)
Request for a Departure from Standard (Updated June 2024)
Pre-Start Meeting Agenda (S278) (Updated January 2021)
S278 Design Audit Outline Programme (Updated May 2019)
Pre-App Checklist (Updated September 2020)
Legal Agreement Proforma (Updated February 2021)
Requesting SS and SCN Designations
Highway Development Coordinator Legal Agreement
Highway Development Coordinator Specification
For help on Section 278 agreements, email [email protected]