Report a flooding or drainage problem
Responsibility of Hampshire County Council
Flooding can be caused by the sheer volume of water or indicate a blockage or maintenance problem with the system. Any flooding or drainage issue should be reported so that it can be dealt with and the system checked for adequacy.
Flooding from a river
If you believe the flooding is from a main river, contact the Environment Agency.
Flooding is from a burst or leaking water main or foul water sewer
Please contact your water provider to report the issue.
How should I report my issue?
To report a highways emergency that poses an immediate risk to the public, please call either:
- Phone 0300 555 1388 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- Outside of office hours 101
If you are reporting an issue that is very likely to present an imminent threat to life, serious injury or serious damage to property, please report this as an emergency by calling 999.
For all other issues, please use the following forms.