Report a problem with paving
Responsibility of Hampshire County Council
This form is for reporting issues with pavements and footways adjacent to the Highway. You should use the following page to report a problem on a right of way form for footpath issues.
Service pressures due to high enquiry and defect volumes
Along with other Highway Authorities across the country, we are currently facing high demand. Therefore, we may take longer than usual to undertake repairs. Our priority is the safety of the highway, and we will prioritise repairs accordingly. Lower priority works on the highway may be delayed but we will continue to undertake scheduled safety inspections.
Will I be updated on progress?
After submitting your report, you will not receive further updates. Should you wish to track the progress of your enquiry or provide additional comments, you can do so using our Status Checker. Please do not report the same issue more than once or contact us for general updates, as this will add further pressure to our services.
How should I report my issue?
To report a highways emergency that poses an immediate risk to the public, please call either:
- Phone 0300 555 1388 (8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- Outside of office hours 101
For all other issues, please use the following form.