If you see a highway issue which needs urgent attention:
If you or someone else is in imminent danger, phone the Police on 999
Use this form to report details of a parking contravention that you believe requires further investigation. Be aware that this is not a request service, and not all reports will be followed up with a visit; however each report will be looked at and a decision will be made taking into account the resources available.
The information received by this form will be used to help us ensure our patrols are covering the areas with the greatest need for parking enforcement. This form should be used to report on-street parking contraventions across Hampshire, apart from the unitary authorities of Southampton and Portsmouth where the district authorities will continue to manage parking enforcement.
We will be unable to take any action in locations where there are no parking restrictions in place. If vehicles are parked on a footway there must be a restriction, such as yellow lines present, for us to consider a visit. If a vehicle is parked dangerously or causing an obstruction the responsibility lies with the Police.
This form should be used to report on-street parking contraventions across Hampshire, apart from the unitary authorities of Southampton and Portsmouth where the district authorities will continue to manage parking enforcement.
Provide vehicle make, colour, and any additional details:
Pavement/footway parking is not considered a parking contravention unless a vehicle is also parked against a recognised restriction.
If you have a photo of the vehicle it will help our team to find it.
You can upload up to 3 files. The upload limit is 5mb per file. Valid file extension are .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png.