Boorley Green Traffic Calming

Last update: September 2024

Feedback Engagement Results

Following the feedback received during the public engagement and from key stakeholders, the majority of the measures proposed will be developed further with the aim of progressing each to delivery. The response to the engagement provided many helpful insights and suggestions, so the measures will be amended in line with these comments. 

The only measure that we are not intending to progress as a part of this scheme is the proposal at the Wallace Avenue and Maddoxford Lane junction. The feedback indicated a lack of public support for this measure, alongside there being a range of technical and practical concerns with the principle of the measure. This junction will be reassessed and progressed as a separate scheme in the future if a suitable solution is identified

The report summarises key findings from the feedback survey which took place from 16 October to 3 December 2023 . This was an opportunity for local residents and businesses to provide their views on the proposed improvement scheme. You can still read the information pack.  

Scheme overview

Hampshire County Council commissioned a feasibility study to look at options for local traffic management measures with the current development of 1,400 dwellings and reducing its impact on the existing residents in Boorley Green and the surrounding villages.

As of December 2019, the occupation levels of the Boorley Green development do not trigger the point for a reassessment of the need for Traffic Management measures in the village. The situation will be reassessed at the 700th occupation or at such a point where the traffic flows indicate a convincing need. We are continuing to monitor the traffic flows at mid points on Maddoxford Lane, Oatlands Road, Crows Nest Lane and Wangfield Lane annually as the development becomes occupied.   

2017 Feedback Survey - Closed

The results of the feedback survey in 2017 are presented in the Boorley Green Traffic management proposals report.

Plans to the proposal:

Boorley Green Consultation Presentation 2017

Funding Arrangements
Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals. In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers. This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.
Roadworks and Travel Advice

Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.


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Contact us
Universal Services
Hampshire County Council
The Castle

SO23 8UD