Whitehill and Bordon Travel Planning and Public Transport

Last update: January 2025

Travel Planning

The Whitehill & Bordon Community Travel Plan is funded with contributions from the Prince Philip Park development for the benefit of the whole community.
A travel plan aims to reduce the impact that a new development has on the local area by encouraging residents to use alternatives to the car for some of their journeys. This is achieved by a variety of measures including:

  • Providing information about sustainable travel;
  • Holding events or activities such as cycle training, fun family walks or bike rides;
  • Setting up schemes such as car clubs, bike hire, lift sharing.

Following a stakeholder workshop and residents travel survey and imminent focus groups, the draft report of the Community Travel Plan has been shared with Board members, prior to sharing it more widely once agreed. 

The evidence from this will help develop an Action Plan explaining how we will encourage active and sustainable travel in Whitehill & Bordon. One of the actions will be to develop a website for local travel information and advice. While the website is being developed consider using the My Journey planner to plan your journeys or Liftshare to find someone to share journeys with or find out how to use TaxiShare.

For more information on the below please read the latest update.
Walking and Cycling Strategy Scheme Planning
Whitehill & Bordon Community Travel Plan (CTP)
School Travel Planning
Passenger Transport
Wider Strategy
The Whitehill & Bordon Relief Road is part of a wider transport delivery strategy developed to support the Whitehill Bordon project.
Further information can be found here.
Roadworks and Travel Advice
Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.
Contact us
Universal Services
Hampshire County Council
The Castle

SO23 8UD