Whitehill and Bordon Transport Schemes

Last update: February 2025

Transportation Overview

The Whitehill & Bordon transport delivery strategy has been designed to help support the wider regeneration of the town. The Whitehill and Bordon Sustainable Transport Improvements Package comprises the following elements;

Scheme Status

Schemes in design phase;

  • Oakhanger Traffic Calming- measures have been designed to slow vehicles through the village and encourage walking and cycling. Phase 2 is currently in the process of design.
  • Oakhanger Road / Budds Lane / Station Road (West) – shared use path - the second phase from Maple Fields to Station Road crossroads, including links on the C114 currently in preliminary design for delivery in 2024/25;
  • Hogmoor Road Cycle Route – to provide a safe and accessible cycling infrastructure from the Southern to Northern end of Hogmoor Road. Including safe crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists and traffic calming measure in the northern section and an enhanced footpath through the Hogmoor Inclosure. Currently in preliminary design for delivery in summer 2025 for six months.
  • Route to Lindford – Quebec Park – shared use foot/cycle path of bound gravel construction with replacement bridges and boardwalks.
  • Alexandra Park to Lindford link - shared use path. Works are being split into two due to bird nesting. Works to the bridge construction over the River Wey and board walk on the Lindford side were completed June 2024. Construction to the Bordon side board walk will be completed in Autumn 2024.

Completed schemes;
  • Budds Lane Parallel Crossing -  near Havannah Way.
  • Budds Lane – pedestrian and cycle Improvements.
  • Hogmoor Road - Footway - section of footway to connect the new Heatherfields development with the path to the south of Oakwood Court. Please view the plan.
  • A325 Relief Road – Cycle Crossing Widening for pedestrians and cyclists to be widened in accordance with new cycle infrastructure design guidance (Local Transport Note 1/20) to cater for additional cyclists following the Junction 2-3 link and future Green Loop path.
  • Petersfield Road - Parallel Crossing - for pedestrians and cyclists to link New Road with the new Village Hall path. Measures to encourage appropriate traffic speeds will be provided as part of this scheme.
  • Arrival Square Improvements  -provides the appropriate infrastructure to access the new town centre development as a destination from the north, south and east of Whitehill and Bordon. Connecting residents living in the existing housing developments to the new town centre development. 
  • Oakhanger Road / Budds Lane / Station Road (West) – Shared Use Path - pedestrian and cycle facilities linking to the new Maple Fields development, Hogmoor Road and A325 (Junction 3) to Oakmoor School. Measures to encourage appropriate traffic speeds.
  • Ennerdale Road (4 Phases) – Station Road to C114 Camp Road / Quebec Park.
  • C114 High Street – Ennerdale Road to Woolmer Way – conversion of pedestrian footway to shared use path for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • C114 High Street / Woolmer Way (Tesco) Junction – conversion of pedestrian only signal crossings to Toucan (pedestrian/cyclist) crossings improving connectivity.
  • C114 High Street / Conde Way Roundabout – improved crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Alexandra Park - shared use cycle/footpath – from Camp Road into the centre of the park. 
  • Whitehill Village Hall - shared use path. 
  • South East Loop; Bordon Inclosure to Mill Chase Road - shared use foot/cycle path of bound gravel construction with replacement boardwalk.
  • South East Loop (Deadwater); Mill Chase Road to Forest Road - footpath of bound gravel construction with replacement bridges and boardwalks.
  • South East Loop Northern Section (Jubilee Park) - shared use path from Mill Chase Road to Alexandra Park.
  • Hollybrook Park Road and Apollo Drive – shared use path.
  • Viking Park – shared use path link from village hall to A325 Relief Road.


In response to questions that have been raised with us regarding the Whitehill & Bordon Relief Road and the Whitehill & Bordon Transport Strategy, a list of frequently asked questions and answers has been complied.
Funding Arrangements
Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals. In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers. This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.
Roadworks and Travel Advice

Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.

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Hampshire County Council
The Castle

SO23 8UD