
Preventing terrorism and radicalisation within our communities

The Prevent strategy is focused on safeguarding people from radicalisation or extremism. This includes work to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. We have the lead role in delivering the Prevent strategy in Hampshire in accordance with the Prevent duty guidance and through our Prevent Partnership Board we are working with partners, such as the Police, health and district councils.

Prevent is about safeguarding individuals who are vulnerable to radicalisation by stopping them being drawn into terrorism or extremism. We all have a responsibility to keep Hampshire safe. Extremism and radicalisation in our communities are very real threats, and understanding what these are can help us reduce the threat from terrorism, radicalisation and extremism by being vigilant, knowing what to report, and how to report it.

Report your concerns

Immediate threat

If you have seen a person acting suspiciously or if you see a vehicle, unattended package or bag which might be an immediate threat, move away and call 999 without delay.

Immediate threat to life - Call 999 without delay.

No immediate threat

If you are concerned about anyone being at risk of radicalisation or suspect they are being encouraged to support terrorism, please share these concerns as soon as possible. If you or anyone else is not in imminent danger and therefore you do not need to call 999, please use the appropriate referral method below.

If you are a member of the public and would like to share your concerns please call:

  • The ACT early support line on 0800 011 3764 to share your concerns in confidence with specially trained officers, or visit the ACT Early website ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation
  • The Anti-Terror Hotline on 0800 789 321

If you are a professional (for example a care provider, educator, social worker) and would like to share your concerns or refer someone for support relating to these concerns please use the following form:

Other useful numbers for reporting safeguarding concerns about an individual or situation:

  • Hampshire Adult Services on 0300 555 1386
  • Hampshire Children’s Services on phone 0300 555 1384
  • Hampshire Police on 101

Reporting information found online

If you have found material online which is illegal or of an extremist nature, as well as making a referral in any one of the above ways, you can also report it anonymously.

Further Information and National Campaigns can be found at Hampshire Prevent Board.

Key Documents and Information

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