Register for an e-learning course

Enrol either by self-service, or from assignment by others

Launch and complete a course

After browsing the course library and finding a course you are interested in enrolling onto you can:

  • select the course title or More, to view course details
  • select Start Course to launch the online course. The Online Content Structure page will display
  • review the outline of content objects. A course may contain one or more content objects, however if the course has only one object, the structure may not be displayed
  • select an object tile to launch that content object and complete the course
  • completed objects will be listed with checkmarks and date of completion

The system will automatically send notification to you and your Line Manager when you are enrolled onto an online course. Your My Learning Assignments section will also be updated with a start course status for the online course.

Do not close the Online Content Structure window after you launch content. The window must stay open because it needs to record when you complete a content object.


You can also save a course to complete later. The course should automatically save when you exit.
Continue a course

You can also relaunch a course you have already started and pick up where you left off by selecting the All Assignment Types area in the My Learning Assignments section. This will expand the drop down list.

Select Online Courses. Navigate to the required course.

Select Continue Course next to the course. The Online Content Structure page may display and the course launches in a new window.

Complete the course.

When you resume, resume at the start of the next section.
Remove a course

Self-assigned courses may be removed. To remove a course:

  • navigate to the required course via the My Learning Assignments section
  • select the arrow to the immediate right of the Start Course button next to the course you’ve chosen to open a drop down list
  • select Remove
  • select Yes to confirm removal

The course is removed from My Learning Assignments page.

Assignment by others

Learning Administrators and Managers can also assign you courses and register you for scheduled offerings. Assignment of e-learning notification will be sent to you. Your My Learning Assignments section is also updated.