View or access my curriculum
View the curriculum of a course or training opportunity
On the My Learning page, navigate to the My Curricula section on the right hand side of the page. The My Curricula tile shows a colour-coded snapshot of the status for all assigned curricula. Statuses include:
- overdue
- due in 30 days
- due later
By selecting the arrow next to My Curricula, you can expand options which will help filter the snapshot by priority level. Levels are numeric and globally configured up to 10. This helps you to prioritise your curriculum assignments.
Click on the My Curricula tile to open the Curriculum Status page which lists all the curriculum assigned to you by Curriculum Title, Status, Priority, Next Action Date, Expiration Date, Assigned By, Remove.
Select a course title under Curriculum Title to view the details of the course i.e. curriculum status and assignment listed for the course. Curriculum status lists the current status of all assigned curriculum. Courses and content objects are listed as assignments in the suggested order. Each course has its own status and appears independently on the My Learning Assignments tile on the My Learning page.
Other details on the Curriculum Status page include assigned priority, date of next action, who assigned the curriculum etc. You can remove self-assigned courses.