SEND Employability
Our vision for SEND employability in Hampshire
Children and young people with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) have the same ambitions as their peers. They want to live full and fulfilling lives, and have successful careers that directly afford them financial and social independence.
With appropriate and targeted support, the great majority of young people with SEND can find work, be supported to live independently, and actively participate in their community.
Preparing young people with SEND for, and improving their access to, employment is therefore a key priority for Hampshire County Council and its partners.
Our overarching objective is to develop and deliver a countywide, joined-up and high performing employability offer for young people with SEND, including those with more complex needs, which maximises progression into sustained employment. Our SEND Employability Hubs and Independence Hubs are a key part of this offer.
You can read more about our vision in All our Talents: Pathways into Adulthood for Young People with SEND in Hampshire.