Careers - information for professionals
Information on careers, employer engagements and work experience
Hampshire Futures offers a high-quality traded service which includes tailored career support.
We also support schools and colleges to help them deliver the statutory requirements for careers guidance and to offer support with the Gatsby Benchmarks.
We offer:
- A traded service to schools and colleges across Hampshire
- Support for the Quality in Careers Standard
- Access to resources to support the teaching of careers in schools and colleges
Careers Traded Service
What we can offer
- Individual career interviews with a qualified career adviser, providing students with a safe and impartial framework for exploring options for their future, setting goals and defining career pathways
- A personalised individual career action plan in a format appropriate to the needs of the student
- With agreement, a provision for parents or carers to join the interview and receive structured feedback
- Specialist advice and guidance for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Support and attendance at parent evenings, result days and other events
- Group career discussions involving generic career information and signposting
- A range of work-related learning and enterprise activities, including employer engagement
- Health and safety checks for work experience placements
For further details including pricing information, get in touch with the Careers Team: [email protected]
Quality in Careers Standard
Hampshire Futures can offer support for achieving the Quality in Careers Standard. This is the national quality award for career education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.
The DfE statutory guidance (January 2023) for secondary schools and colleges on fulfilling their statutory duty builds heavily upon the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for 'good careers guidance'.
DfE strongly recommends all secondary schools and colleges work towards and achieve the national Quality in Careers Standard.
What we can offer
- We provide a consultation offer to help further develop career education programmes, including support in gaining the Quality in Careers Standard
- Hampshire Futures are the licence holders for the award and can offer guidance and support on how to complete the e-portfolio
Online Careers Information Service
Hampshire Futures offers access to an extensive catalogue of resources through our online platform. As well as career information, our online support includes advice and activities to help young people with their future planning and to improve their employability skills.
Resources are also included that can be used for free within your CEIAG lessons. These include lesson plans, interactive videos and printable materials.
What we can offer
Information is available on a variety of topics:
- Schools, colleges and higher education
- Apprenticeships
- Employment and training opportunities
- Useful websites, including those that are career-focused
- Interactive videos
- SEND and inclusivity
- Wellbeing
- Finance
- Information for those who are new arrivals to the UK
- Information for those who are based on the Isle of Wight
- Information and opportunities for those in care and care leavers
Contact details
If you would like to access our support or find out more information about our services, get in touch with the Careers Team:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 01962 846193
Professional referrals
If you are a professional who would like to refer a young person to the Careers Team for support, complete the Hampshire Futures referral form and email it to [email protected].
Our team will review the information provided and, if appropriate, work with the young person to provide tailored support to help them achieve their goals.