Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan - Partial Update


Hampshire County Council and its partner Authorities, Southampton City Council, Portsmouth City Council, New Forest National Park Authority and South Downs National Park Authority (collectively known as the Hampshire Authorities), are working to produce a partial update to the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (the Plan) which will guide minerals and waste decision making in the Plan Area up until 2040.

The partial update to the Plan will build upon the currently adopted Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (2013), eventually providing new and updated policies based on up-to-date evidence of the current levels of provision for minerals and waste facilities in the Plan Area. Importantly, the partially updated Plan aims to establish the future levels of provision required to meet national and regional policy targets and objectives. It will set out an updated vision of how this will be achieved and provide details of strategic sites that we propose will deliver the vision.

Next stage

Regulation 22 – Submission to the Secretary of State

The Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan – Partial Update has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. For further information and to view the Examination Library, please see our HMWP Reg 22 webpage.

For further information on the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan – Partial Update timetable, please see our Local Development Scheme.

Previous stages

To view the Proposed Submission Plan document and Evidence Base and for further information, see the HMWP Reg 19 webpage.

The draft Plan underwent a Regulation 18 consultation. For further information and to see the documents associated with this stage please see the HMWP Reg 18 webpage.