What Adults' Health and Care do
A snapshot of the support and care we provide for vulnerable adults across Hampshire.
Who we support
Over 260,000 people use Connect to Support Hampshire online directory for information, advice and guidance
Some 32,000 people receive some form of support helping them back on their feet
Over 8,400 carers receive support
Around 2,500 people are cared for in our nursing and residential homes
Older people
Learning disability
Mental health
Physical disability
What we do in a year
Nearly 4.1 million hours of homecare are provided
Over 149,000 items of support equipment are delivered to people in their homes
Some 350,000 Meals on Wheels lunches are provided
Over 14,000 people are supported to leave hospital - some 1,800 into bed-based short term services
More than 895 Extra Care apartments are enabling older people to continue living independently in a home of their own with care on site 24/7
Some 4,800 Steady and Strong classes are held
Some 13,000 adults are currently provided with care technology to help them live independently
Nearly 11,500 Occupational Therapy interventions are delivered
Some 24,000 people are assessed
Over 120,000 enquiries are received for advice and support relating to Adult Social Care via our phone lines and online enquiry form
Our challenges
In the next five years the number of people aged 85-89 is set to rise by 14% (4,076) with and even higher increase of 26% (4,604) in those aged 90 and above.