Extra Care housing

Information and resources for partners and professionals

Extra Care Housing schemes

Extra Care Housing is a housing option for people who need care and support in their daily life but want to remain living independently in the community. Hampshire County Council Extra Care Housing schemes have been developed in partnership with the district and borough councils and there is a shared responsibility for nomination arrangements reflecting the eligibility criteria of both the Local Housing Authority (district or borough council) and the Local Authority with Adult Social Care responsibilities (Hampshire County Council). The roles and responsibilities of the respective Authorities are outlined in the Extra Care Housing Community Lettings Protocol.

A series of marketing activities are ongoing to raise the profile of Extra Care Housing in Hampshire with a new public facing website and a series of targeted social media messages. We have access to over 800 specialist flats across the County, with more homes being developed. Each provides the opportunity to support individuals to live independent lives.

Extra care housing is not just an alternative to residential care, it is an option for any client over 55 who has care needs, especially those living in rented housing, particularly if they are isolated and there are concerns about long term housing suitability.

There are a number of creative assets for partners to use to promote extra care housing in your area:


Suggested wording to accompany posts are:

If you or a family member are over 55 and need support to stay independent, extra care housing could be the solution. [insert landlord name, e.g. Vivid] manages a range of schemes across the Hampshire area with on-site care commissioned by Hampshire County Council. For an informal discussion, please contact [email protected].

A flyer and poster for display. Printed versions of either the poster and/or flyer are available, please email [email protected] stating quantities.


A DL flyer with information about extra care housing and contact details for each local housing authority.


A poster for each housing authority as a ‘print-ready’ PDF with crop marks.
New Forest
Test Valley