Childcare and early years

Information for parents, carers and families

Information for parents and carers who are looking for childcare and early years education services in  Hampshire.

Look for Ofsted registered childcare and early years education services within the Hampshire County Council area.

To find similar services in neighbouring council areas use the Childcare Finder for contact details.

Many families are eligible for some help with their childcare costs

The Services for Young Children team is available to help parents requiring additional support to find services.

If you have a query regarding early years education funding or are having difficulties finding childcare or early years education services, please complete the general enquiry form.

Expanded childcare offers for families

If you are an eligible working parent of a child aged 9 months - 3 years, you can apply for up to 15 hours funded childcare per week.

If you have a 3 or 4-year-old you may be eligible for 30 hours funded childcare.

To check eligibility and to apply visit the Government's application webpage.