Early Years Inclusion training
There are many training courses available to Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCos) and any other early years practitioners with an interest in inclusion. A maximum of two members of staff per setting can be considered for a place.
SENCo Induction Course
All SENCos should attend the one-day induction course. Please see training bulletin for dates, times and to book this centrally funded course.
Book on to the SENCo Induction Course
The inclusion team offer a range of training courses some of which include:
- Makaton
- Autism
- Behaviour
- Stress free target setting
- Language boxes
- Understanding sensory seeking behaviours - coming soon
- Play, chat and interact
Book your chosen training courses
Thomas Training
This 3-day course aims to develop practitioners' and parents' understanding of social communication/autism spectrum conditions and so improve the educational and early year’s experience of Hampshire children with these conditions.
This course offers a balance of theoretical perspectives and practical approaches including; structured approaches to learning and living, behavioural approaches to skill teaching, developing communication, behaviour management and the development of play. For further information.
To book a place on Thomas training please contact Hampshire and Isle of Wight Educational Psychology (HIEP) on 02392 441497.
Early Years Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (EY ELSA)
A bespoke Early Years Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) training course available to Early Years settings in Hampshire.
- This is a 5-day course looking at the following topics:
- The EY ELSA role
- Building security and relationships
- Emotional awareness
- Active listening
- Emotional competence
- Supporting children through loss and bereavement
- Developing social and friendship skills
- Social stories
- Building relationships and sense of belonging
- Beliefs, self-concept, and growth mindset
- Continuing the EY ELSA journey
If you have any queries about the course or the work of EY ELSAs, please contact: Cerian Hughes/Caroline Rees on 023 9244 1497 or [email protected] or [email protected]