Children’s Services Providers and Carers Payments
If you have a query regarding a payment, use the following form to raise an enquiry. If you are a provider, read the below payment support advice first.
Getting support on payments – Providers
Before raising an enquiry, we recommend you follow these steps to help us to pay you promptly:
- What to include in your invoice
VAT requirements
We are a VAT registered organisation, therefore, invoices we pay must be HMRC compliant. Full details of invoice requirements: Invoicing and taking payment from customers: Invoices - what they must include - GOV.UK.
Invoices must include the following information to be accepted:
- A unique identification number (i.e Invoice or Credit Note Number)
- Our company name and address (as the customer), i.e. Hampshire County Council:
Hampshire County Council
The Castle
SO23 8UJ - Your name, address and contact details (as the provider)
- The date of the invoice
- The date services were provided (supply date)
- The amount(s) being charged
- The total amount owed (and the VAT amount and breakdown, if applicable)
Child and placement details
We need to be able match the details of your invoice to an authorised placement in our system for the specific child/children. We will not be able to pay the invoice if it does not include a purchase order (PO) / commitment tracker (Comm) number OR the correct child details.
- Purchase order (PO) / commitment tracker (Comm) number - if you do not know this number, please speak to the relevant social worker.
- Child reference number (Mosaic number) - If not known, please provide full name and DOB.
- Date range of service provided during invoice period
If the details on the invoice do not match our system, then the invoice may be returned to you and the relevant social work team for clarification.
Invoice troubleshooting
There are other reasons we may may be unable to pay your invoice and may return it to you asking for amendments:
Reason Action Invoice does not match what is recorded in our system – for example the invoice includes additional placement days, or the dates do not match.
We will contact you and copy in the relevant social work team.
Please liaise with them via the email address provided and resubmit the invoice once the issue has been resolved.
Invoice includes items that do not match what is recorded in our system – for example gym membership, expenses incurred.
We will contact you and copy in the relevant social work team.
Please liaise with them via the email address provided and resubmit the invoice once the issue has been resolved.
Without clear advance authorisation (e.g. a PO and/or authorising email from social work team manager) additional items and expenses should not be incurred.
Invoice rate is higher than what is recorded in our system.
We will contact you and copy in the relevant social work or commissioning team.
Please liaise with them via the email address provided and resubmit the invoice once the issue has been resolved.
The purchase order (PO) or commitment tracker (Comm) number has insufficient value/days remaining.
We will contact you and copy in the relevant social work team.
Please liaise with them via the email address provided and resubmit the invoice with an updated PO/Comm number.
The care package or provision has ended in our system.
We will contact you and copy in the relevant social work team.
Please liaise with them via the email address provided and resubmit the invoice once the issue has been resolved.
The invoice submitted is a Pro forma invoice, VAT only invoice or a statement.
These types of documents cannot be paid and will be returned to you.
Please only submit fully VAT compliant invoices.
Invoice has not been submitted as a PDF.
To prevent processing issues, we can only accept invoices in PDF format. Other formats may be returned to you for resubmission as a PDF.
Invoice is for:
- Translation costs
- SEN INMSS Provision
- Block Contract
- Appropriate Adult costs
- Any other cost where Purchase Order states [email protected]
These types of invoices should be submitted to VIM Enquiries via [email protected]
Invoices for these sent to [email protected] in error will be returned.
If in doubt, the Purchase Order will confirm where invoices should be sent for payment.
Invoice is not billing for a monthly period.
All Children’s Social Care invoices should be submitted monthly for hours/days delivered the previous month.
For instance, an invoice raised in February would need to include all services delivered in January. We will not accept invoices for daily or weekly periods.
Invoice is in advance of goods or service delivery
These cannot be processed as they are outside of contractual terms for Children’s Social Care invoices.
Please do not submit these as they will be returned to you.
- Submitting your invoice
Invoices and credit notes should be submitted electronically through email attachment to [email protected].
The attachment must be for one invoice or credit note and each email submission must only contain one attachment. To assist in the smooth submission of your invoice or credit note, you must include please the following details within the email Header/Subject field: Supplier name and invoice no.
- Payment terms
Invoices are paid from date of receipt of invoice and within your 30-day contractual payment terms. Payment terms will only be varied by written agreement.
- What if I haven’t been paid or need further information
An invoice should only be queried if it is now outside payment terms. Invoices are paid from date of receipt of valid invoice and within your 30-day contractual payment terms. Payment terms will only be varied by written agreement.
If you have not received payment within payment terms, check whether the invoice has been returned to you due to not being compliant or sent to yourself and the social worker due to an issue (see Invoice Troubleshooting above). The issues identified will need to be corrected before the invoice can be re-submitted and paid.
If you are not aware of any outstanding issues or queries, do not re-submit the invoice as duplicate invoices absorb time and resource to process, delaying payment of valid invoices. Submit a query through the contact form and the team will investigate.