Get support for you or someone else
If you are worried about your own or someone else’s drinking support is available both locally and nationally. You can contact the specialist treatment services for adults or young people in your area.
Inclusion Recovery Hampshire drug and alcohol treatment service for adults over 25 years old. You can also access confidential support via their helpline 0300 124 0103
Hampshire 24/7 drug and alcohol treatment service for young people aged under 25 years old: 0845 459 9405
Confidential support and advice for parents, families and friends of those who use drugs and alcohol is available from ParentSupportLink: 023 8039 9764
Change, Grow, Live Southampton for adults over 25 years old. Contact our dedicated alcohol support line: 02382 002 764
Drugs Alcohol Support & Health (DASH) for young people under 25: 02380 224 224
Recovery Hub support for adults: 02392 294 573
Drug and Alcohol Support Service for Young People (DASS) for those under 19: 07951 497898 or 07557 753131.
Isle of Wight
Inclusion IOW: for young people and adults: 01983 526654
Isle Find It: information on wider support and advice as well as events and activities
iwmentalhealth: for a wide range of resources and support to help manage your mental health
Your GP will listen, assess your situation and help you choose the right support.
- Drinking and Alcohol – NHS information and advice on alcohol.
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – help with alcohol and drinking.
- Drinkline - if you're worried about your own or someone else's drinking, telephone 0300 123 1110 for a free, confidential conversation (weekdays 9am – 8pm, weekends 11am – 4pm).
- We are with you (formally Addaction) national organisation providing drug and alcohol support.
- Adfam - advice and support for those concerned about a family member’s drink or drug taking.
- Al-Anon – advice and support for those affected by someone else’s drinking.
- Nacoa – information, advice and support for children of alcohol-dependent parents and others concerned with the welfare of a child. Free helpline 0800 358 3456.
Support for your Mental Health and Wellbeing:
- Mental Wellbeing Hampshire provides support for a range of mental health issues and experiences.
- Every Mind Matters offers expert advice and resources to look after your mental health and wellbeing.