Election Candidates

Unpublished. Save for possible future use. These pages provide some information about what you can expect if you are elected as a County Councillor on 4 May.

Members Support

Democratic and Member Services will be a first point of contact for County Councillors (also known as elected Members). Councillors will have access to an online Portal which will provide signposting to County Council key contacts both at its headquarters at The Castle, Winchester and at its local offices. If you require any further information or advice please email [email protected]


The event held at The Castle complex in Winchester will introduce newly elected Members to the County Council services provided to residents and provide Members with the tools and contacts they need to fulfil their role. Newly elected Members will need to bring with them some personal data (requirements will be confirmed closer to the date) to enable payroll accounts to be set up for paying allowances and expenses.

County Council AGM

The County Council's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for INSERT DATE at 10am in the Council Chamber at The Castle complex, Winchester.

Directions to The Castle complex

The Castle is easily accessed via road or rail. There is reserved parking for Members in the basement of the Tower St car park located in the basement of EII Court within The Castle complex and Winchester railway station is a 5 minute walk from the complex.

Accessing The Castle complex by road

Tower Street parking (Next to Elizabeth II Court) - SO23 8UJ

  • Route 1 - from the north (London via M3) Leave the motorway at junction nine, join the A272 and follow signs for central Winchester. The County Council offices are at the top of the High Street; follow signs for Hampshire County Council.
  • Route 2 - from the west Leave the M4 at junction 13 and travel south along the A34, then join the B3420 Andover Road which takes you straight into central Winchester; follow signs for Hampshire County Council.
  • Route 3 - from the south (via M3) Leave the M3 at junction 11 and follow signs along St Cross Road and Southgate Street into the city centre. Turn left at the traffic signal junction with the High Street. The County Council offices are 200 yards up the High Street on the right.

The entrance is the fourth on the left as you travel alongside of the car-park (the first two are exits and the third is the entrance to the normal pay and display car-park level. The correct entrance is a sloping ramp down to the basement signposted HCC private car park.

Map of The Castle complex


Member Briefing programme

Half day briefings are held monthly and provide Members with an opportunity to explore and discuss a variety of policy and topical issues directly with the officers involved. There is an informal atmosphere where questions can be raised and Members' views sought. The next briefings are scheduled for 26 June and 10 July at Elizabeth II Court, The Castle complex (commencing 10:00 am) and will cover key information to assist newly elected Members in their role.

Councillors have a responsibility to keep in touch with the people they represent and must act in line with current legislation; national codes of conduct and standards; and the County Council's Constitution

Departmental information

Governance information, including DPIs

Conflicts of interest can arise and it is necessary that these are registered to prevent any perception of bias or prejudice. The Code of Conduct sets out the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests which must be registered. A Register of Members' Interests is maintained to comply with the Localism Act 2011. Members will be asked to supply details to be entered into the Register within 28 days of being elected or re-elected as a Councillor (by 5 June 2017).

Disclosure and Barring Service

All Councillors are required to apply to the Disclosure and Barring Service for an Enhanced Check. County Council officers will be available at the Induction event on 10 May to provide further information and make appointments to assist Councillors with the application process.

Allowance and Expenses

Councillors receive an annual allowance, called the 'basic' allowance, and may claim for eligible travel expenses. Councillors who take on more challenging roles may also receive a Special Responsibility Allowance. The County Council's Members' Allowances Scheme can be found in part 4 of the Constitution.

IT provision

Elected Members will be provided with access to appropriate IT equipment and services for use on County Council business.

Committee and panels

Hampshire County Council has 78 elected councillors, who set the budget and the County Council's policy framework. Decisions to implement the budget are made by the Executive (known as the Cabinet) which comprises up to ten members of the majority political party. Overview and scrutiny of the County Council's decisions are undertaken by Select Committees. You can access more information about the County Councils committees, panels and decision-making.

Hampshire facts and figures

Hampshire County Council is the third largest shire council in the country. The County Council's core role is to deliver public services to the 1.3 million residents of Hampshire (excluding Southampton and Portsmouth). More detailed facts and figures are available.