Financial contributions
Hampshire County Council requires financial contributions from developers. This is to help relieve the impact of a new development on the transport network.
The transport contributions policy calculates the level of contributions required for each development. This is dependant on the size and nature of the development proposal. The calculation looks at the increase in multi-modal trips expected from a new development.
Read the transport contributions policy
Section 106 agreement
A section 106 agreement secures financial contributions from the developer. It also secures commitments to specific works or to implement a travel plan.
Matters agreed as part of a section 106 agreement must be:
- relevant to planning
- necessary to make the proposed development acceptable in planning terms
- directly related to the proposed development
- fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the proposed development
- reasonable in all other respects
Section 278 agreement
A Section 278 Agreement identifies the works required to access the new development. If the plan includes work which may benefit the public, such as a cycle path, the cost of these may be deducted from the contribution.
If a travel plan is produced and secured with a Section 106 Agreement with a bond, elements of the plan which may benefit the public may be deducted from the contribution.