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  • Supporting Documentation

The documents below provide additional context to the Local Transport Plan.


Integrated Sustainability Appraisal

An Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) is being undertaken alongside the LTP to ensure that sustainability aspects are incorporated into the Strategy. The ISA combines several assessment processes, primarily the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) with input from the Habitats Regulations Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, and Equality Impact Assessment. The ISA identifies, describes and evaluates the significant environmental effects of implementing the LTP4.


Equality Impact Assessment

An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) is being undertaken as part of the Integrated Suitability Appraisal to assess the impacts of the LTP on individuals with protected characteristics such as age, disability or race. The EqIA seeks to ensure that the LTP4 does not discriminate or disadvantage people, and enables consideration of how equality can be improved or promoted.


The Baseline Report

The Baseline Report provides the evidence base to support the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA).


The Local Transport Plan Evidence Base

This document summarises the data that has been collected and analysed in the course of developing the draft vision, outcomes and principles for the Local Transport Plan.


Carbon Pathways Analysis

A carbon calculation tool was developed to inform the LTP. The tool demonstrates the scale of the emissions gap that needs to be closed in order for Hampshire to meet its carbon reduction commitments. It also assesses how effective different types of transport policies might be in helping to close this gap.


Transport and Economy Presentation

Transport is a key enabler of economic growth, with an important role to play in increasing competitiveness, productivity and overall prosperity. Good connectivity is crucial to the on-going success of Hampshire’s economy. This document summarises the evidence on how transport policies can be shaped to support economic prosperity.


The Policy Review

This document sets out the policy framework within which Hampshire’s fourth Local Transport Plan (LTP4) needs to be developed, covering national, sub-national and local policy documents.


Initial Engagement Report

Initial engagement on the emerging Local Transport Plan took place from 7 January to 28 February 2021. Thoughts, expertise and local knowledge were sought to help clarify the preferred priorities, vision and principles prior to further development. This document summarises the feedback received from residents and stakeholders.


ISA Supporting Documents

The Integrated Sustainability Appraisal supporting documents contain the full versions of the Habitats Regulation Assessment and the Health Impact Assessment.


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