Moving traffic enforcement

ANPR camera installation

Hampshire County Council is installing Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras at selected locations across Hampshire. It is intended that enforcement at these locations will help to reduce congestion and improve road safety and aid bus journey reliability.

A public consultation was carried out between 14 February 2022 to 27 March 2022 detailing the proposed locations and requesting comments from residents. The report summarises key findings from the consultation.

In July 2022 a Designatory Order was issued to the County Council granting us the legal power to enforce under Moving Traffic contraventions.

Examples of the first Moving Traffic contraventions that will be enforced are,

  • Stopping on school keep clear marking. (contravention code 48J)
  • Entering and stopping in a yellow box junction when prohibited. (contravention code 31J)
  • Using a route restricted for buses and taxis. (contravention code 33J)
  • Performing a prohibited turn. (contravention code 50J)

Warning notices will be issued during the first six months of enforcement at each location for first time contraventions, any subsequent contravention at the same location will result in a penalty charge notice being issued by post.

Surplus income, should there be any, will need to cover all costs related to enforcement. This includes the administration staff involved in collecting the fines, maintenance of cameras and the associated signs and markings together with energy, data and software costs. Money will also need to be set aside for the eventual replacement of equipment once it becomes unserviceable. Any surplus remaining after deduction of costs may go towards further enforcement sites, measures to improve public transport or other highway associated improvements.

ANPR locations

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