Open Data and transparency
We are fully dedicated to being an open, accountable and transparent local authority
We publish a range of information for people to access and re-use.
- Local government transparency code
We publish data in accordance with the requirements of the local government transparency code 2015. This lists a series of data sets that all local authorities are required to publish.
For the County Council this includes:
- Councillor Allowances
- Constitution
- Contracts Register (link to In-tend system)
- Current Tendering Opportunities
- Expenditure exceeding £500
- Fraud
- Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) request statistics / Q1 2024-25 / Q2 2024-2025 / Q4 2023-24
- Gender pay gap
- Gender Pay gap and Workforce
- Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
- Local authority land
- Organisation chart
- Parking Account
- Payment performance
- Pay multiple
- Pay Statement 2024/25
- Procurement Card Spend
- Public Notices
- Senior salaries
- Trade union facility time
- Whistleblowing policy
- Providing access to Open Data in Hampshire
As part of our aim to improve trust and understanding among residents we publish a number of important sets of information as Open Data.
Open Data means making the non-personal information we hold freely available to everyone in a format that can be reused.
Anyone can use our data. You don't have to apply or ask for permission, but you do have to agree to the terms of the Open Government License for public sector information.
You are free to choose how you use the data:
- you may just want to examine the data to get a better understanding of local issues or of how we work
- you could republish the data on your blog or website
- if you are a software or web developer, you could use the data as part of a web application or mashup.
In exchange, we expect you to follow the Code of Conduct in the Central Government Datastore guidance on Open Data usage.
For more details see: Re-using our Information.
- What data is available?
All of the Open Data and other information we publish can be found in our Publication Scheme.
Our data is also published on The DATA.GOV.UK website, where you will also find useful tools to sort and visualize our data, along with apps created using some of our data.