OfSTED questionnaire for parents translated into other languages
When OfSTED carries out a school inspection, it asks parents for their views using a questionnaire
OfSTED questionnaire in English
So that the views of all parents can be considered, Hampshire EMTAS staff have translated the OfSTED questionnaire into these languages:
- Arabic
- Bengali
- Bulgarian
- Chinese
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Malayalam
- Nepali
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Thai
- Turkish
Parents who would like a translated questionnaire should ask the school.
These resources are free to Hampshire maintained schools and subscribing academies.
- For other schools and settings, including those outside of Hampshire, they are available through our sold services.
Costs are:
£15 per translation - £45 for any 5 translations
- £150 for all 22 translations
Enquiries about these resources can be directed to Hampshire EMTAS Resources Manager Julie Yates: [email protected]