EMTAS guidance for late-arriving students


EMTAS has produced guidance for secondary schools receiving international new arrivals for whom English is an Additional Language into Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). The guidance covers strategies for supporting late-arriving students who have very little English; advice on “back-yearing”, also called “deceleration” (which is generally not recommended); and suggestions detailing how schools can respond to the specific needs of these students in creative ways, including alternative approaches to timetabling and shared provision to give students access to college.

It is important that schools give full consideration to the options open to late arriving students post-16. This guidance sets out the different pathways that may be available when planning to meet the longer-term needs of such students.

Heritage language GCSEs

Schools should also consider entering late-arriving students for GCSEs in their heritage languages where the student has well-developed first language skills and where there is a GCSE available. More information about Heritage Language GCSEs.

Post-16 pathways

Late-arriving students may not be fully aware of the options available to them after they finish Year 11.

This Post-16 provision and pathways leaflet provides information for students and their families about the range of options available to students when they leave school at the end of Year 11. It also outlines the help and support available to students when making any decisions about their next steps.

The EMTAS Post-16 Pathways leaflet is available in translation into the following languages: traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, DariGreek, HungarianNepali, PashtoPolish, Romanian, Russian, ThaiTagalog and Ukrainian.

Looking even further ahead than college, EMTAS, working with Southern Universities Network (SUN) have produced a guide to University aimed at students for whom English is an Additional Language and their families. This guide is available in the following languages: Dari, Pashto, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Traditional Chinese.

Access UK (African Caribbean Careers & Employment Support Services UK) specialise in supporting young people from BME communities to gain access into Education, Employment and/or Enterprise.

Further information