SATs Support

KS2 SATs Access arrangements

Access arrangements for the KS2 SATs may be appropriate for some learners of English as an Additional Language. Included in the possible forms of support is the use of written or oral translations. This is a school delegated access arrangement i.e. it may be used without prior approval or the need to inform STA as long as it reflects the child’s normal way of working in the classroom. Schools must be able to provide evidence that this is the case.

SATs support available from EMTAS

EMTAS Bilingual Assistants are able to support with oral translation of the two maths reasoning papers (Maths papers 2 and 3). The STA guidance stipulates the following in relation to this:

  • Pupils may write their responses in English or in their own language
  • If a pupil’s answers are not in English, the translator should make a transcript of the pupil’s answers into English after the test, before the pupil leaves the test room
  • Alternatively, pupils may answer orally and the translator can scribe the answers in English
  • Translators must work with pupils on a one-to-one basis
  • If several pupils require a translator but only one is available, the school should administer the test in multiple sittings or apply for a timetable variation to administer the test on a different day

School staff should discuss this access arrangement with the EMTAS Bilingual Assistant as soon as it becomes apparent that it would enable the child to access the test. Due to capacity and demand, it may not be possible for EMTAS Bilingual Assistants to support all pupils in this way.

The full Standards and Testing Agency guidance is available here Key stage 2 tests: access arrangements - GOV.UK