EMTAS phone lines (Term time only)
Language phone lines for parents/carers, Hampshire maintained schools and SLA-supported academies
Phone lines may only be used to support communication with a child where an adult is present with the child for the duration of the phone call.
Please ring us on our help lines below for information and support with home-school communication or if you have any questions relating to your child's education or well-being.
All our assistants speak good English so if you can use even a little English you can call at any of the times listed below.
If you need an interpreter for any other language, phone EMTAS on 03707 794222 or email [email protected] with your contact details and the language you speak. We will do our best to help you.
Information for schools
Our phone lines are included in our SLA and are free to Hampshire maintained schools and academies that have bought back into our SLA. Pre-schools and non-subscribing academies can purchase a subscription to our phone lines. Please email [email protected] to discuss how this might work for your setting/academy.
- Arabic
- Bulgarian
- Chinese Mandarin
- Hungarian
- Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and Marathi
- Nepali
- Pashto and Dari/Farsi
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian/Russian
- English as an Additional Language (EAL), Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
If you have concerns about the progress of a pupil for whom English is an Additional Language, first read the information on the Special Education Needs/Disabilities (SEND) or bilingual page. If, having done this, you still require support, then phone our main office telephone number. A call-back request will be routed through to the EMTAS Specialist Teacher Advisor for your district, who will be in touch.
- 03707 794222
- Advice about a bilingual pupil (where there are concerns)