Families with children in the Early Years and Year R

Free EMTAS resources for families

Early Years admissions and attendance

Early Years admissions and attendance – finding a school place, admissions and attendance, including what to do if your child is absent from school. It is available in translation in the following languages:

Preparing your child for school

Preparing your child for school – this free download gives some suggestions for parents on how to prepare their child for starting school in Year R. It is available in translation in the following languages:

Key things to know about school in the UK

Key things to know about school in the UK includes information for parents about things such as attendance, Free School Meals and transport to school. This is available in different languages as well as in English. Available in the following languages:

BookTrust website – Free information leaflets about reading with your child (available in several languages)

Understanding bilingualism in the early years – available from the National Literacy Trust. Some of this is available in other languages.

Free Early Years Education

Some two, and all three and four year olds are entitled to free part-time Early Years Education (EYE). The part-time, free Early Years Education places are available in school nursery classes, state or private nursery schools, day nurseries, playgroups or pre-schools and with approved child-minders.

Advice from Services for Young Children for parents on how to prepare their child for school is available in various languages on this page: Childcare provider resources.