Town or Village Green and Commons Applications
Hampshire County Council is the Commons Registration Authority for Hampshire
We maintain the registers of Commons and Town and Village Greens. We are not involved in the management of commons or enforcing or protecting rights of common, unless we are also the owners of those commons, or manage them by agreement.
- Public access to Registered Commons
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 allows a public right of access on foot over most Registered Commons. More information about Common land and village greens.
We manage the following commons (or parts of them):
- Broxhead Common
- Martin Down
- Rye and Hillside Commons
- Shortheath Common
- Western New Forest Commons (Hyde, Gorley, Rockford and Ibsley)
- Yateley Common
Commons in the New Forest are managed by the Verderers.
- Inspecting the Registers
To check whether land is registered as a common or town or village green you can:
- make an appointment to inspect the original registers held at Castle Avenue, Winchester
- request a search
A question about commons is included in Part II of Form Con 29 which can be used if you are buying land.
- Changing the Registers
It is possible to apply to the County Council to amend the commons and village green registers. In some cases, a fee will be payable. Your application will need to include evidence to show how the mistake or error was originally made.
You can apply to:- remove wrongly registered Common Land or Village Greens
- deregister buildings
- correct errors
Further information on applications to amend Commons and Town or Village Green Registers.
Additional fees may be charged by the Planning Inspectorate, where they are involved in processing an application.
Guidance for making applications to rectify commons or town or village green
Application forms:
- Form CA10 - Application to correct the register
- Form CA13 – correct non-registration or mistaken registration
See our Privacy notice
Please Note: Any party involved in an application to correct a commons or town or village green register may wish to obtain their own independent legal advice. Hampshire County Council, as the Commons Registration Authority, is unable to provide legal advice.Send your application to: Countryside Access Team, Countryside Service, Hampshire County Council, Castle Avenue, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8UL
- Applications to register land as a Town or Village Green
Town and village green law is complex. You may find the guidance below helpful when making an application:
Making an application:
- Application form
- User Evidence Questionnaire (example from Open Spaces Society)
- Policy for Prioritising Applications under the Commons Act 2006
Send your application to: Countryside Access Team, Universal Services, Hampshire County Council, Three Minsters House, Winchester, SO23 8UL
- Privacy notice
The personal data you provide in connection with applications to amend the registers of commons and village greens will be treated in accordance with UK Data Protection Legislation. See our privacy notice for further information.
- Current Town or Village Green and Commons Applications