Help with sight or hearing loss

Advice and help

Visit Connect to Support Hampshire for advice about hearing loss and sight loss and information about support available from other organisations.

If you can’t find what you need, contact us to discuss the ways your sight/hearing loss affects you. We can suggest direct solutions for some difficulties, or offer a referral to our Sensory Reablement Service. The Sensory Reablement Service offers specialist short-term support if you have sensory loss needs. We can work with you in your own home to help you achieve the best possible level of independence. We can provide:

  • a demonstration of equipment that can make everyday activities and tasks easier and information on accessing these products
  • advice and techniques to make everyday activities and tasks easier
  • mobility training to give you the confidence and skills to go out independently
  • information about clubs, support groups, services and concessions for people with sight/hearing loss
  • details of support services for carers of people with sight/hearing loss
  • information on services to help you in your workplace

Before contacting us you should have the cause of your sight loss/hearing loss diagnosed. If you have not had a hearing test (within the last 5 years) or been to the hospital eye department speak to your GP. Adults' Health and Care are unable to offer medical advice/treatment, hearing aids or glasses.

This service is a time-limited and intended to provide short-term support.

Contact Adults’ Health and Care

Raise an enquiry via our online referral form.
Phone 0300 555 1386
Textphone 0300 555 1390
Help with registration

Deaf Services Team and British Sign Language Users

The Deaf Services Team are a specialist team of social workers and case workers with British Sign Language skills. The team works with Deaf people who use British Sign Language (BSL), and are 18 and over, in Hampshire.

Deaf Services Team work with Deaf BSL users with other disabilities such as Learning/Physical Disabilities, mental health problems, alcohol/drug misuse, Deafblind people who use Hands On Signing, Deafblind manual and British Sign Language to communicate. We also work with Deaf young people in transition.

What we can do:

  • assess your care and support needs in British Sign Language
  • help you to find ways to solve your care and support needs
  • provide some support/care services
  • provide some equipment
  • authorise rail cards and provide disability registration cards
  • give you information about other agencies working with deaf people
  • give you details of where to find BSL interpreters

We can also provide information and support to other professionals working with Deaf people with additional disabilities. If you are interested in learning British Sign Language you may want to search the internet for British Sign Language courses run by various organisations and businesses or use the RNID website.

Contact the Deaf Services Team

Phone 01962 846601
Email [email protected]
Minicom 01794 515462
Fax 01962 814607
SMS 07507 309322

Watch our BSL videos:

Further Information

Visit Connect to Support Hampshire for information about organisations and support to help with sight loss or hearing loss.

Managing sight loss

Managing Sensory Loss

Managing Sight Loss - Advice for everyday living booklets:

These booklets will point you in the right direction to get that help and support