Funding for Food Support Schemes

Applications now open for community pantries and food support scheme grants

This application window is now closed.

Hampshire County Council is inviting funding applications from organisations:

  • Wishing to open community pantries in areas in need, or to support an existing community pantry that helps provide households with affordable food.
  • Are a food bank that supports households in crisis.
  • Local food partnerships wishing to build sustainable approaches to food support.

A total fund of £550,000 has been made available from the County Council’s share of the Department for Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund to provide the grants.

Applications are open from 20 May 2024 until 29 August 2024

Every district in Hampshire has at least one community pantry, some of which are part of the Community Pantry Network supported by Hampshire County Council. Community pantries build local partnerships to help reduce food waste and to gain support with food donations to make available to local people.

There are currently 25 community pantries operating across the Hampshire network, as well as mobile larders operating in some areas. Pantries all work on the same principle – for a small contribution each week, shoppers can select and take home food and household goods worth around £15. For a full list, visit the Community pantries page at connect4communities.  

Every district in Hampshire has food banks operating in their area who provide households food and support at times of crisis. Food banks can offer support to help households move on from their time of crisis.

Some districts have Local Food Partnerships set up who are cross-sector bodies that own and drive forward agendas on their local food system. They are a forum for community and voluntary organisations, councils, other public bodies and businesses to work together to achieve their local agenda.

The County Council welcomes applications from all existing community pantries, food banks and local food partnerships, along with any organisation considering setting up a new pantry in their community for those in need.  Visit the website to apply for a community pantry grant and for further information and application details.

Grant funding applications are currently open

Local community groups are invited to apply for funding to open a new community pantry in a high need area, or for support to an established community pantry, food bank or local food partnership that will help provide vulnerable families with food or with access to food.

Applications are currently invited until 29 August 2024.

Applying for community pantry and food support scheme funding

Organisations wishing to apply for a grant will in most cases be a registered community or voluntary sector organisation. This includes faith groups, youth organisations, town, parish and community councils, schools, colleges, and early years settings. A local food partnership will have a visible presence in their district and will be a partnership that includes members from the community or voluntary sector organisations.

Applications from private sector organisations may be considered if it is evidenced that there is no generation of profit.

Organisations bidding for funding should ensure that their intended project does not duplicate the local services provided by existing pantries supported through the connect4communities programme.

Applications for funding should be made by completing the application form.  Before completing the application form, applicants should read the application guidance. Applications are advised to review the questions that will be asked prior to starting their application. 

Applications for funding support services, sessions or training to benefit services users will also be considered. An established community pantry may apply to receive discretionary funding to support households with home, family and cooking essentials (not including white goods).

If you are a community pantry and receive funding, your organisation will become part of Hampshire County Council’s Community Pantry Network. The network offers support via monthly network meetings, regular communications, sharing of information, development of resources, along with access to the online Community Pantry Information Hub, and the support of Hampshire County Council’s Food Insecurity Partnerships Officer.

This map shows the differences in food insecurity risk as defined by the University of Southampton across the county, with the darkest localities experiencing the most, and the lightest the least.

Food insecurity map

The funding applied for should be committed by 30 September 2024, with the delivery period as soon as practically possible thereafter.

When and how to apply

This application window has now closed.

If you wish to have a discussion with the Food Insecurity Partnerships Officer before applying for funding, please email [email protected] to arrange a call.