Support with gas, electric and water bills

Support for residents with fuel and utility bills has been renewed for the period until September 2024. The following organisations may be able to support you:

The Environment Centre 

tec  the Environment Centre logo The Environment Centre has seen a more than 50 per cent increase in demand for affordable warmth support over the last few years, and has been funded to continue and enhance this by providing:
  • direct guidance and support to households on a range of energy-related topics, either remotely or face to face,
  • grants to 75 households on means-tested benefits or low income and vulnerable for essential heating and hot water works, or for practical household items to reduce energy or help them to keep warm.

If you feel you could benefit from this service, please contact the Environment Centre (tEC) by phoning 0800 804 8601 or emailing [email protected]

Citizens Advice across Hampshire

Citizens Advice logo Funding has been awarded to Citizens Advice to provide support to the most vulnerable households with their fuel costs and ensure advice is provided to people in need contacting this scheme. Follow the link below to see a map with the list of Citizens Advice offices in Hampshire, where you can apply for support with fuel costs.

For further support relating to fuel costs, please visit:

Help right now

If you are facing disconnection or can’t top up your prepay meter, contact your supplier right away