Guide for parents, carers and children

Answering common questions

Visiting Swanwick Lodge

All visitors must show us a letter of introduction issued by the child's social worker; without this document, the visit will not take place. You should also bring some form of photo identification.

Visiting hours

School days: 6.30pm to 8.30pm
School holidays and weekends: visits are made by arrangement.

All visits must be booked in advance by contacting our reception on 01489 581913.

Visitors' belongings

Personal possessions such as handbags, keys and mobile phones cannot be taken into the home. You will be given a secure locker to keep your belongings safe during your visit.

Permitted and prohibited items

To maintain a secure environment and protect children, staff and visitors, the following is a list of permissible and prohibited items.

Permitted items

Items that are allowed must be checked by a member of staff before being given to the child.

Checks may not be possible in time for the visit but will be completed as soon as possible.

All items listed below are subject to the child's risk assessment at the time of the visit.

  • clothes as agreed with unit staff
  • personal items such as photographs and posters
  • toiletries (not aerosols)
  • gifts for birthdays/celebrations
  • money to be added to the child's account (only a limited amount of money may be held on behalf of children)
  • TV, stereo or games console, if the child's status allows

Prohibited items

  • food, sweets (including bubble and chewing gum) or drinks (including alcohol)
  • sharp objects, razors, razor blades or any object which could be used as a weapon
  • cigarettes, tobacco, cigarette papers, e-cigarettes
  • matches, solvents, lighters or lighter fuel containing solvents
  • tins, aerosols
  • glass items, pencil sharpeners and tools
  • medications, including over the counter
  • sticky tack, glue sticks or similar
  • non-age appropriate magazines/reading materials including any pornographic material
  • DVDs or objects certificated above the child's age
  • mobile phones, cameras, recording devices (including MP3 players and similar devices) and batteries
  • jewellery, valuable personal items

Contact and keeping in touch

Phone calls

A child may make a limited number of calls to parents or key professionals on their secure phone, although we discourage it during the school day. They can also call pre-authorised contacts at other approved times.


All children are encouraged to write home and keep in touch with approved contacts as often as they want (postage is free). Young people look forward to receiving letters and we encourage you to send them via their social worker. To stay safe, we ask that letters are opened in front of a member of staff.


There will be a number of meetings during your child's stay at Swanwick Lodge. Your child's social worker will keep you informed and invite you to attend.

Further information

Parent and Carer's Guide to Swanwick Lodge

Young Person's Guide to Swanwick Lodge