Travel plans
A travel plan is a package of measures that aims to encourage more sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling, bus usage or car sharing
A travel plan is required for planning applications of development sites. This could be for a new school, office block, hospital, university buildings, residential areas, leisure facilities, hotels or events. Travel plans can also be created for existing sites to improve a situation. This could be to improve congestion, parking problems, recruitment and retention of staff, air quality or plans to expand.
A travel plan aims to reduce the number of people travelling by car alone. It should aim to increase the number of people using active and sustainable travel modes. It could be for residents, employees, visitors, customers, deliveries, contractors or business vehicles.
Case study: Daedalus Enterprise Zone
We worked with the Daedalus Enterprise Zone in Fareham as the Travel Plan co-ordinators. We wrote a travel plan and are providing measures to support its delivery. These include marketing materials, promotional events and monthly surgery sessions for staff. The delivery of the travel plan will allow Fareham Borough Council to meet their legal requirements.
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Journey planning
Walking and cycling