Deciding which schools to apply for

It is important to find out about the schools you are interested in before naming them on your application form. You can name up to 3 schools

Find a school

Search all schools in Hampshire

Each school's page includes:

  • contact details
  • a location map
  • links to the schools’ website
  • latest Ofsted report
  • examination results
  • admission arrangements, including a map of the catchment area
Check your catchment school

Use the school catchment area finder to check your catchment school. Please note that not all schools operate a catchment area.

Visit the school

Most schools have open evenings or open days when you can visit and see the school in action. Look at the school website for more information or contact the school to make an appointment.

Read the school's admission policy

This sets out how many places are available and how places will be allocated if the school is oversubscribed.

Check previous years admissions data

Find out how many applications the school had last year compared to places available and the criterion of the last child admitted. This may give you some idea of the likelihood of your preference being met, however, please note there are no guarantees as cohort sizes and patterns of parental preference can change from year to year. See previous years admissions data.

Consider how your child will get to school

Before choosing a school think about how your child will get to and from school. See Travel to school to help plan your journey and find out what criteria must be met to be eligible for help with transport.

Where parents name their catchment school as one of their 3 preferences and a place is not available, assistance may be offered to the next closest school, where the other qualifying eligibility criteria are met. The catchment school should be named as one of your preferences if you intend to apply for travel assistance. Use the school catchment area finder to check your catchment school.

Applying for a school place - frequently asked questions