Accessing support for a Traveller child
- Support available
The EMTAS Traveller Achievement Team provides advice and guidance to schools on all aspects of practice and provision in relation to their Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater pupils.
- Accessing support
Support for Traveller pupils is accessed direct through the EMTAS Traveller Achievement team and takes the form of mentoring/well-being support that follows the child through their primary years and into Secondary phase.
To discuss what support for your Traveller pupils might look like in your school or setting, please contact the Traveller Team via the EMTAS office
Tel: 03707 794222
Email: [email protected]To refer a Traveller pupil to EMTAS, you will need to complete this online form:
You will need to provide the following pupil level data for each Traveller pupils who is to be included in your support package:
- Child’s name
- Date of Birth
- Current year group
- Date started at school
Note that some Roma pupils may be more appropriately supported through first language in a similar way to children for whom English is an Additional Language. If you have a newly-arrived Roma pupil on roll and you require Bilingual Support, please refer them using the online form on the EMTAS website.
- Contacts
For further information contact the EMTAS office:
Telephone 03707 794222
email [email protected]