I am a parent or carer

School and college travel information for families

When choosing a school place, it is important to think about how your child will travel to and from school each day. Most families in Hampshire organise their own home to school journey. Those families may walk, cycle, use public transport, lift-share with other families or take their child to school in their family car.

See our Travel to school page for ideas and information about your child’s journey to school.

Over 90% of more than 170,000 pupils attending school in Hampshire organise their own transport. Some families will be eligible for support transporting their child to school from Hampshire County Council if they meet specific criteria . School transport assistance costs Hampshire County Council over £50 million every year. If you need help getting your child to school and think that you meet the criteria, you can apply using the link below.

If you are currently receiving transport and your contact details have changed complete a new contact card. If the change is to your home and/or school address, a new transport application will be required.

Application type Applications open Deadline Decision notification Transport notification
Mainstream - Secondary 3 March 31 May Within 15 working days August
Mainstream - Primary/Junior 16 April 31 May Within 15 working days August
SEND (all schools) NOW 30 June Within 15 working days August
Post-16 Discretionary (SEND only) 3 March 30 June Within 6 weeks August

To contact the Transport Team, complete the online enquiry form or phone 01962 846924. If you need to speak to the SEN Service about placements please visit their website for contact information.