Information we hold

HBIC maintains databases containing information on habitats, species and designated sites across Hampshire

Statutory wildlife sites

HBIC holds the latest copies of all the statutory site boundaries maintained by Natural England, including:

Site boundaries and other information can also be downloaded from the Natural England Open Data Geoportal.

Non statutory wildlife sites

HBIC holds the latest copies of site boundaries for all non-statutory site designations within Hampshire, including:

Habitat mapping

HBIC maintains a comprehensive land use and habitat map for Hampshire using the Integrated Habitat System (IHS). GIS maps are ground truthed and updated from the HBIC Habitat Survey Programme on a regular basis. HBIC can produce maps showing broad habitats, priority habitats and national vegetation classification (NVC) types.

Information on the completeness of priority habitat mapping in Hampshire can be found in Table 1 in the latest Annual Biodiversity Monitoring Report.

Species data

HBIC maintains an extensive database of over 10 million species records for Hampshire. Roughly 1 million come from the Habitat Survey Programme and 9 million from National Schemes, local recording groups and individuals:

HBIC holds data exchange agreements with these organisations and can supply species records for Hampshire on their behalf. Further details of these and any additional datasets held by HBIC are available: HBIC Species Datasets.

Notable Species - approximately 2 million of the 10 million records that HBIC holds are of notable species; these are species protected under European legislation and the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, species listed under S41 of the Natural & Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; the Birds of Conservation Concern Red list; and species listed as being nationally, county, or vice-county rare or scarce. Many species will have multiple designations. The following is the most up to date list of all notable species. Note: not all species listed occur or have been recorded in Hampshire.

List of notable species

Find out how you can contribute to species recording in Hampshire.

Site survey reports

Copies of ecological survey reports for specified sites can be supplied by HBIC where they are available. Some 8000 sites have been surveyed to Phase 2 level, many to NVC level.

Biodiversity Opportunity Areas (BOAs)

BOAs represent a targeted landscape-scale approach to conserving biodiversity in Hampshire. They identify opportunities for habitat creation and restoration where resources can be focused to have the greatest positive impact for wildlife. They are not a statutory designation and do not infer a constraint to development or land use.

BOAs were identified through extensive mapping work carried out by the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC) in consultation with a wide range of biodiversity partners. 41 BOAs were selected representing core areas of biodiversity interest in Hampshire. Statements have been produced for each BOA to indicate priorities for that area.

Ecological network mapping

The Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre (HBIC) has produced a detailed ecological network map for Hampshire on behalf of the Local Nature Partnership (LNP).

An ecological network is a group of habitat patches that species can move easily between maintaining ecological function and conserving biodiversity. Through appropriate management, ecological networks can provide a connected collection of refuges for wildlife. Establishing the network will enable biodiversity to recover from recent declines and create a more resilient natural environment.

The aims of the network are to:

  • improve the quality of current wildlife sites by better habitat management
  • increase the size of existing wildlife sites
  • enhance connections between sites, either through physical corridors or through ‘stepping stones’
  • create new sites
  • reduce the pressure on wildlife by improving the wider environment

The National Planning Policy Framework requires local planning authorities to map and consider ecological networks within their plans, policies and decisions.

Mapping the Hampshire ecological network final report

How data is held

Data is exported into a Geographic Information System (GIS) and combined with ‘layers’ of information including aerial photographic coverage. This enables HBIC to produce a wide range of maps and perform spatial analyses. See Metadata for more information on the GIS layers maintained by HBIC.

HBIC updates the databases and GIS layers as new data comes in from the species recording groups and its own habitat survey programme. This survey programme has been running since the late 1970’s.

Request data

Find out about and request information from our data enquiry service.