Equipment and adaptations

There is a wide range of equipment, adaptations and advice that can help make your life at home easier and safer

How we can help

Hampshire Equipment Service (HES) can deliver and install equipment on loan for as long as you need and help with minor adaptations. This is to assist you to live as independently as possible while:

  • getting in and out of your home
  • getting in and out of chairs and beds
  • getting on and off the toilet
  • using the bath or shower
  • managing kitchen activities, such as standing at the sink, getting food to a table.

Following an assessment, some of the equipment and adaptations available are:

  • Grab rails
  • Banister rails for stairs
  • Chair raisers to increase the height of your chair or sofa
  • Toileting aids, such as raised toilet seats
  • Bathing and showering aids, such as a seat for your shower
  • Equipment to help you hear your TV if you have hearing loss
  • Aids to help if you have visual impairment

To request help with equipment or adaptations, contact Adults’ Health and Care using our online referral form. A professional will then contact you. They may be able to arrange equipment or minor adaptations over the phone with you. If the help you need is more complex, they may arrange for a referral to be sent to your local Occupational Therapyor Sensory team. 

Please note, there may be a waiting list for these services. Alternatively, you can purchase privately from a range of organisations. Visit our information and advice pages about equipment on Connect to Support Hampshire.

If you are looking for telecare equipment (such as pendant alarms and sensors), see our care technology page.

Return, repair or maintenance of equipment

Any equipment that you have on loan from Hampshire Equipment Service will have a yellow sticker on it with a telephone number. You will also find contact details in the 'Contacts' section below.

Returns / Removals

When you no longer need the equipment loaned to you, you can call the relevant team and request collection. In general, rails and other minor adaptations cannot be reused and are not collected. Unwanted equipment can also be dropped off, Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm, at HES Cleaning Depot, Unit 7/8 Hamilton Close, Basingstoke, RG21 6YT.


Please check with your local council before requesting removal by HES. Some borough councils will expect the stair lift to be returned to them for recycling.

Repairs / Replacement

Occasionally a piece of equipment may need repair or replacing. You can contact the relevant team to request replacement. Usually, HES can arrange this without further involvement from a social care or health professional.

Depending on the type of equipment and how long it has been on loan, we may ask you to contact a professional. This is to ensure that the equipment you have is still the most appropriate for your needs.

If the equipment you have is faulty and is one of the following types, we will arrange to repair it in your home.

  • Profiling bed
  • Hoist
  • Pressure relief (mattress)
  • Bath lift
  • Specialist seating


HES service and maintain all its serviceable equipment. We do this annually for most equipment, twice a year for hoists. When your equipment is due for a service, our technicians will contact you to arrange a convenient day to visit.

Moving house

You must contact HES on 01256 476800 or [email protected] when moving home so that we can update your client record with your new address and contact details. This is to ensure all your equipment is moved to your new address. This is particularly important if you have serviceable equipment that you have moved yourself, so that we can make sure we service it in the relevant period.

If you are moving within Hampshire, you can take the equipment with you if it is free-standing. Transporting it to your new address is your responsibility - apart from beds, floor-standing and gantry hoists.

Please do not dismantle profiling beds, floor-standing and gantry hoists. Contact HES with the relevant information with as much advance warning as possible. HES will arrange to dismantle your bed and hoists, transport them to your new address and reinstall.

We may need to reassess your needs in a new property. Contact Adults' Health and Care as far in advance as possible as some equipment and adaptations can take time to arrange.

Contact details

To contact Adults’ Health and Care to discuss your need for equipment or adaptations, use our online contact form. A professional will call you back.

If you already have equipment supplied by us, contact Hampshire Equipment Service and OT Technicians:

Telephone: 01256 476800 (General equipment)

Telephone: 01489 570278 (Sensory equipment only)


Delivery and collections of equipment - [email protected]

Breakdown and servicing of equipment - [email protected]

OT technicians / Minor adaptations [email protected]