Domestic abuse support
The Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership is a group of local services and agencies in Hampshire working together to provide help and support for:
- Victims and survivors of abuse
- Children living with domestic abuse
- People who may be abusing or hurting someone
- Professionals seeking advice
Domestic abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual abuse by anyone ‘personally connected’ to the individual. Controlling behaviour can include, but isn’t limited to, money and finances, technology, and socialising.
It can often start off small, with lots of different events that gradually chip away or erode your confidence. It can sometimes make you feel that you are losing your ‘sense of self’ and that you can’t trust your own judgment or feel you don’t have the right to make decisions.
Is your relationship healthy? Am I in an abusive relationship? Find out more: Women's Aid website.
Are you or someone you know caught in a cycle of domestic abuse?
- I need help for myself or someone else
- I am hurting someone
- Support for children and young people
- Information for professionals