Healthy lives
Our public health services and the work we do in partnership with others directly support people to live healthier lives. This includes insight-led behaviour change campaigns and the provision of training and education to those working in Hampshire to improve residents’ health.
With our NHS colleagues and other partners, we are also seeking to embed prevention at scale across our health and care systems.
Our actions will support people at different stages of their lives, focusing on those factors that make the biggest difference.
Our Areas of Focus
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Our Ambitions
Best Start in Life
- use the evidence-based early years and school-aged high impact areas to support babies, children and young people to have the best start in life, and commission the Public Health Nursing Service to deliver the Healthy Child Programme in partnership with others
- enable children, young people and their families to achieve healthier lifestyles, increase the prevalence of healthy weight, promote physical activity as the norm
- reduce health inequalities by further developing support for the most vulnerable children and families
Healthy Adults
- support residents, especially those at most risk, to stop smoking, drink responsibly, maintain a healthy weight and be physically active
- ensure residents most at risk of cardiovascular disease can access an NHS health check every five years, and are supported to adopt healthier habits and to access health services to help them reduce this risk
- develop an innovative work programme that supports people to be healthier in mid-life, building on existing interventions
Healthy Older People
- increase the reach of the Live Longer Better programme to enable healthy and independent older age
- extend the provision of high-quality, evidence-based falls prevention interventions
Mental Wellbeing
- improve parental, family, and infant mental wellbeing through the Healthy Child Programme
- reduce the impact of suicide for families, schools, workplaces and communities
- improve Mental Wellbeing alongside our partners, focusing on evidence base, prevention, reducing stigma and preventing suicides
Sexual Health
- use collaborative commissioning of integrated sexual and reproductive health services to support those groups known to experience the worst health outcomes
- support the development of Women’s Health Hubs to improve access to long acting reversible contraception
- work towards zero HIV transmission
Domestic Abuse
- use a coordinated system approach to preventing domestic abuse and protect and support those affected by it
- work in partnership to ensure inclusive, quality, affordable, and appropriate safe accommodation support is available to all victims/survivors of domestic abuse, including their children
Substance Misuse
- collaborate with other organisations to implement the 10-year national drugs plan and reduce harm across Hampshire
- for those in need of help, ensure they can access high quality, effective person-centred drug and alcohol prevention, treatment, recovery, and enforcement services
Healthier lives in Hampshire means:
- seamless multi-agency pathways of support are in place enabling a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to:
- focus on early identification of unmet health needs
- intervene early to prevent health needs from worsening
- reduce demand on specialist services and safeguarding interventions
- more children and young people will have:
- a healthy weight
- good emotional wellbeing
- improved speech, language and communication skills
- effective access to specialist support for risk-taking behaviours
- residents have adopted overall healthier lifestyles
- uptake of NHS Health Checks in the highest risk groups has increased and there is a reduction in cardiovascular disease amongst these populations
- older and middle-aged people:
- are living healthy, happy and independent lives
- working, volunteering or caring for others, as they wish
- have a reduced need for health and care services
- Hampshire residents are achieving the best mental health and wellbeing they can, and our partners are committed, skilled and able to respond in times of need, and can provide extra support to those groups who require more help
- organisations and local people working together have put in place joined-up approaches to mental wellbeing, support, care and awareness
- fewer people experience unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and HIV
- people experience less stigma in relation to sexual health
- domestic abuse is prevented and identified earlier so that the impacts are reduced and there is less reliance on crisis accommodation
- inclusive, quality, affordable, and appropriate safe accommodation support is provided to all victims of domestic abuse when it is required
- there is a reduction in the harm associated with substance misuse (to individuals, their families and communities) and an increase in the opportunities for recovery for those Hampshire residents who are dependent on drugs and/or alcohol
- across the county, together we have:
- broken the drug supply chains
- delivered world class treatment and recovery services
- achieved a generational shift in the demand for drugs.