How will we achieve our aims?

By taking the actions outlined in Healthy Places, Healthy People and Healthy Lives, we can ensure people will remain healthier for longer and prevent lives from being cut short.

We know our actions need to be underpinned by excellent public health practice, for example, ensuring we engage with residents and work with partners to shape and implement decisions. It is also essential that we enable our staff, and those working directly with people as part of Hampshire’s wider public health workforce, to gain the knowledge and skills they need to positively impact health and wellbeing through their work, volunteering and communities.

Our ways of working

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Working together with residents and partners to shape decisions and actions, that use innovative solutions.


Reducing health inequalities and promoting equity in health outcomes, using intelligence and living experience to inform action.


Prioritising our work based on evidence, effectiveness and value for money to maximise health and wellbeing outcomes.


Creating lasting change in local systems and communities, including a focus on environmental sustainability for the benefit of everyone’s health.

Our Ambitions

Inequalities in health are a long-standing issue and we need to focus on ways to address these differences to make sure no one in Hampshire is left behind. This will give us the best chance of tackling the causes of poor health and reducing the gap between the most and least healthy.

Although our public health initiatives, programmes and commissioned services are universally available to all, we will prioritise those whose health stands to benefit most from these.

This also means we will need to work with our communities and partners to ensure we can address the gaps in the building blocks for health and support people to live healthier lives.

Communities, linked by identity, place or common interest, influence people’s health and wellbeing outcomes. Being involved in our community, connecting with others around us and having a say in local decisions, are all factors that support good health.

Listening to the voices of our communities and understanding their needs and assets is vital to tackling health inequalities and improving outcomes for all. By listening to our communities, we will better understand the impact poor health has on people’s daily lives and learn what needs to be done to shape interventions and services.

To make sure we also hear the voices and experiences of our diverse communities, we will continue to build on the Council’s successful Community Researchers programme.

We cannot make change happen alone. Working with our partners including District and Borough Councils, Voluntary and Community Sector, health, social care, faith groups and businesses, and directly with residents, we will use co-production and participatory research approaches.

Hampshire 2050 Commissioners reported:

"There was a clear consensus that human relationships, communities and public health and wellbeing are at the heart of achieving a positive future for Hampshire and should therefore underpin the recommendations."

This Public Health Strategy aligns with and will contribute to realising the Hampshire 2050 Vision.

It will contribute to objectives set out in the Council’s other population level strategies including the Economic Strategy, Climate Change Strategy and Local Transport Plan.

It also sets out how we will work to improve overall outcomes and reduce inequalities between and among specific groups through alignment with the Children and Young People’s Plan and Adults’ Health and Care Strategy.

The strategy closely aligns with the objectives of the Hampshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and will contribute to delivery of the strategic vision of Hampshire and Isle of Wight and Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care Systems.

Building on Hampshire’s natural environment, it also supports the South Downs National Parks Health and Wellbeing Strategy and New Forest National Park.

By measuring impact and outcomes we will know if we have:

  • addressed the building blocks of health and made a difference to the population’s health across Hampshire
  • narrowed the gaps in key health indicators across areas of relative deprivation and between different demographics
  • enabled those from traditionally excluded communities, and groups who may not engage or where poor outcomes are multiplied, to access services and lead healthy lives.

This means regularly monitoring our progress in delivering this strategy. We will choose outcome measures that enable us to benchmark against England, and where relevant, against areas with similar demographics to Hampshire.

Where possible we will seek to collect information that enables us to measure outcomes for specific population groups, this will enable us to monitor progress on our ambition to reduce inequalities.

To inform future service design and transformations we will listen to residents, communities and partners. This will help us better understand how people feel about our services and interventions and learn what needs to be done to improve them.

Public health intelligence will be used to examine the needs of our population and the evidence base for our interventions to help us identify what else needs to be done. Building evaluation into plans for new interventions will ensure we identify opportunities for quality improvement with service users and providers.

We will work with academic partners and other local organisations to build robust evidence to support local decision making.

What success looks like is explored more fully at: Healthy Places, Healthy People and Healthy Lives