What is Hampshire 2050?
Following a series of Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry hearings between 2018 and 2019, the Hampshire 2050 Vision was established.
It is a vision for the whole of Hampshire, prepared by expert commissioners and endorsed by a range of partners - The Hampshire 2050 Partnership. For further information on the Commission, see: More about the commission's work.
On November 23 2023, the Hampshire 2050 Partnership was relaunched at a 2050 Summit.
The Leader of Hampshire County Council, Rob Humby, opened the Summit by saying: “no single organisation has the remit, resources and reach to deliver such a wide-ranging Vision alone. The Hampshire 2050 Partnership will give our organisations a solid platform to join the dots between us and our longer-term ambitions even more effectively. It will encourage us to collaborate in different, bold and innovative ways to achieve the outcomes for Hampshire’s residents and places that we’re already striving for.”
The Hampshire 2050 Partnership launched our Year of Health and Wellbeing on 9 September.
At the launch, the Partnership was privileged to welcome England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy who is also the Professional Lead for the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
Dr de Gruchy said at the event: “I think the Partnership’s Year of Health and Wellbeing initiative is fantastic. I have not seen an approach quite like this in any of my travels around the country. This will help direct efforts on what are some of the really big challenges that Hampshire faces and enables partners to collectively ask what they can do about the lack of physical activity, increasing obesity levels and poor mental health among Hampshire’s population.”
Guest speakers also included Mike Gaston, Principal and Chief Executive Officer for Havant and South Downs College and Rachel Hawker, Director of Education at Rocksteady Music School who described how their role as educators puts them in a unique position to influence and encourage children and young people to engage in healthy activities and develop life-long skills to keep themselves well and cope with the ups and downs of life long into adulthood.
Watch highlights of the guest speakers, the Leader of Hampshire County Council and the Director of Public Health for Hampshire.
The Hampshire 2050 Partnership Roadmap
A Hampshire 2050 Partnership Roadmap for 2024-25 has been created. Based on the outcomes collectively agreed at the Summit in November 2023, this roadmap sets a direction for partners to come together over the next 12 months and keep building strong momentum behind the delivery of the Hampshire 2050 Vision.
In 2024-25, the key focus of the Hampshire 2050 Partnership will be the theme voted as the number one priority by partners at the Summit: Improving health, care and wellbeing.
As well as highlighting examples of excellent practice already being led by Hampshire 2050 partners, our ‘Year of Improving Health, Care and Wellbeing’ will provide opportunities to consider how a strategic and cross-disciplinary Hampshire 2050 Partnership approach can enhance our organisations’ efforts to enable our people and places to be healthy across Hampshire.
The Hampshire 2050 Partnership Summit
The Summit invited key Hampshire 2050 partners and speakers to come together to influence and shape our key collective priorities.
The Summit was designed around the four drivers for change - changing climate, changing environment, changing economy, and changing population and society. Workshops and polling allowed partners to consider what their strategic priorities for collective action would be for each of these drivers and how they could work together to achieve them.
Below you can find a video of the highlights of the Summit and relevant papers.
Highlights of the 2050 Summit - video
Video highlights include:
- Councillor Rob Humby - Former Leader of Hampshire County Council
- Keynote Presentation - Dmitrijs Meiksans, Member of Youth Parliament for Northwest Hampshire with introduction by Councillor Roz Chadd, Deputy Leader, Hampshire County Council
Summit papers
For further details on the summit:
Other relevant documents from the Summit:
Outcomes of the summit and Next Steps
The outcomes of the Summit can be found in the briefing note linked above.
The next steps are critical to ensuring that the outcomes of this Summit are taken forward in a meaningful way and this is what the Hampshire 2050 Secretariat will be focusing on over the coming weeks. The Secretariat will be using the discussions and thinking from the Summit to shape a ‘roadmap’ to help the partnership realise our collective Vision and move forward to the future with confidence and focus.
Partners will receive further information on next steps in January including proposals on how the priority areas will be taken forward and any governance arrangements. Further work will also be done to connect the outcomes of the Summit with the Hampshire 2050 Vision and recommendations. Dates for future partner meetings to ensure momentum is maintained will also be proposed.