Theme four - evidence
Environment and quality of place
Evidence summary report
Submitted evidence
Theme 4 - A Strategic Vision for Hampshire - Campaign for Protection of Rural England (1)
Theme 4 - A Strategic Vision for Hampshire - Campaign for Protection of Rural England (2)
Theme 4 - Response from Boyle and Summer Architects
Theme 4 - Response from Campaign for Protection of Rural England
Theme 4 - Response from David Hopkins
Theme 4 - Response from Ecological Planning and Research Ltd
Theme 4 - Response from Gosport Borough Council
Theme 4 - Response from Green Halo Partnership
Theme 4 - Response from Hampshire Wildlife Trust
Theme 4 - Response from Historic England
Theme 4 - Response from Natural England
Theme 4 - Response from Ordnance Survey
Theme 4 - Response from Solent Forum
Theme 4 - Response from Southern Water
Theme 4 - Response from Steve Trow
Theme 4 - Response from Test Valley Borough Council
Theme 4 - Response from The Landscape Institute
Theme 4 - The Case for a South Hampshire Green Belt - Campaign for Protection of Rural England
Supporting evidence and research reports
Theme 4 - 25 Year Environment Plan Targets
Theme 4 - Autonomous Vehicle - Commonplace
Theme 4 - Building Communities in Hampshire - Savills
Theme 4 - Changes in the Urban Economy - National Urban Design Conference 2018
Theme 4 - Future of Retail - Arup
Theme 4 - Future Proofing Society - RTPI Horizons
Theme 4 - Greenspace and Health
Theme 4 - Housing Costs and the Central South's Economy - Southern Policy Centre
Theme 4 - Its Alive - Arup Foresight
Theme 4 - Managing the coast in a changing climate - Committee on Climate Change
Theme 4 - Place Competitiveness Workshop - Thinking Place
Theme 4 - Places Where People Want to Live - RIBA
Theme 4 - Planning for Climate Change - RTPI
Theme 4 - Promoting Healthy Cities - RTPI Horizons
Theme 4 - Retailing, Sustainability and Neighbourhood Regeneration - JRF
Theme 4 - Rethinking Green Infrastructure - Arup Foresight
Theme 4 - Rethinking Urban Mobility - Arup Foresight
Theme 4 - Settlement Patterns Urban Form and Sustainability - RTPI
Theme 4 - State of the Environment Air Quality Report - Environment Agency
Theme 4 - State of the Environment Water Quality Report - Environment Agency
Theme 4 - State of the Environment Water Resources Report - Environment Agency
Theme 4 - Strategic Planning - RTPI
Theme 4 - Successful Town Centres - GFirst
Theme 4 - Sustainable Villages - Country Land and Business Association
Theme 4 - The State of Hampshire's Biodiversity 1996 to 2006 - Hampshire Biodiversity Partnership
Theme 4 - Transport for New Homes - Transport for New Homes Association
Theme 4 - Understanding Garden Villages - TCPA
Theme 4 - Urban Design Workshop - Meeting Notes
Theme 4 - Urban Greenspace Valuation Tool - Barton Willmore